• The cornerstone for the Grief Recovery Program is AfterLoss, a monthly 8-page helpletter which gently guides the bereaved, step-by-step, through the grieving process toward recovery. 
• Editor, Dr. Margie Kennedy-Reeves, states, "A monthly helpletter rather than a quarterly one better serves the needs of grief-stricken people or families." Dr. Kennedy-Reeves, a highly respected, practicing thanatologist, was the crisis counsellor and facilitator of all of the bereavement classes at the Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, California (the location of the Betty Ford Center and the Barbara Sinatra Child Abuse Center). The AfterLoss helpletters provide the same grief recovery information received in these bereavement classes and answers many questions asked during the classes. We take the class to the people through AfterLoss.
• AfterLoss teaches that grief is a process, not an event. Specific questions about loneliness or fear, guilt or anger and other topics are answered, bringing comfort, encouragement and most of all, insights about grief.
• Simply request our free subscription kit which includes 50 keepsake gift cards for you to give to your families to announce the coming subscription, and a convenient pad of subscription pads.
• At the end of each month, mail or FAX us the name and address of each family you wish to  receive the helpletter and indicate a six or twelve month subscription. The message: "A caring gift from your funeral home or cemetery" appears on the envelope, another reminder that the subscription is a gift from you.

A monthly 8-page helpletter which gently guides the bereaved, step-by-step, through the grieving process toward recovery.

OUR PRICE $30.00  

A monthly 8-page helpletter which gently guides the bereaved, step-by-step, through the grieving process toward recovery.

OUR PRICE $60.00